To the girl I cherish the most,
I cannot express how thankful I am to have you.
You are the epitome of love and light, and
I am so lucky to witness and experience it.
Words may never truly express how much I love you,
But still, I will try.
Your beauty, both inside and out,
Has never failed to reel me in.
It has and will always captivate me.
You are such a beautiful being.
Your love does not feel like thunderstorms.
Rather, it feels like home.
It is peaceful and calm.
It eases my mind;
It slows my heartbeat;
You are my beautiful home.
I appreciate everything that you do for me,
Whether its the littlest things or your bold gestures.
You will never fail to amaze me by just simply existing.
You are so captivatingly beautiful.
And if today, you tell me that you’re an angel, celestial and bright,
I will wholeheartedly believe, for you bring heaven to my sight.
You are my fortress, my confidant, my unwavering companion.
And I am incredibly lucky to share this lifetime with you.
I love you endlessly.